Join us for worship! Our worship is at 10:30am on Sunday mornings, offered both in person and streaming.
Please call the church office at 413-243-1033 or email uccleechurch@gmail.com with any questions.
For in-person worship, masks and physical distancing are no longer required but are still recommended if you are at higher risk of Covid-related consequences. Please see information about driving directions and parking.
For online worship, join us live (or watch any time) on our Facebook page. Note that you do not need a Facebook account.
Welcome Message from our new Pastor, Rev. Marisa Brown Ludwig
Welcome to First Congregational Church of Lee, in the United Church of Christ! I am delighted to welcome you, and invite you to join us online or in person, on Sunday or at any of our community gatherings. We are a faith community that strives to live what we proclaim — that all people are truly God's children no matter their abilities, their economic status, their sexual identity or gender expression, whether a long time church-goer or never churched, sure or doubting. Let us know if you would welcome a phone call or visit to learn more about us, and to let us meet you where you are.
—Rev. Marisa