Margaret helping out at the food pantry.
Food Pantry
The Lee Food Pantry is open every Saturday morning from 10am–12pm. It is located at 130 Housatonic Street in Lee, MA. Dedicated volunteers from our church staff the pantry on the fourth Saturday of each month.
We are a drop-off site for the Lee Food Pantry. The church office is open most weekdays – please call the office first (413-243-1033) if you’d like to drop something off to make sure someone is here.
Remember — food shortages don’t only happen around the holidays, though it is a time when it may be keenly felt.
Food Pantry Needs
The following list is to help you when you shop — whatever you can give is appreciated, it does not have to be an item on the list. Non-perishable items only, please! Shop as you would shop for your own family – choose real fruit juice, not juice drinks, and avoid items loaded with sugar or salt.
Basic needs for a family of four:
2 boxes of cereal
3 cans of fruit
1 bottle of juice
1 jar of jelly
1 jar of peanut butter
3 boxes of pasta (not Lasagna)
3 jars of pasta sauce
2 boxes or bags of rice
3 cans of beans
8 cans of vegetables
4 cans of tuna
2 cans of potatoes
Special needs that cannot be purchased with food stamps:
Toilet paper
Bars of soap
Dish washing liquid
Feminine products
Laundry detergent
Pet food
Extras that are nice:
Granola bars
Pudding mixes