Putting Our Faith Into Action
Valentine’s Day Standout for Love
Local neighbors and friends joined Lee Congregational Church on Friday, February 14 from 12-1pm for a Valentine’s Day Standout for Love in the church park.
The church hosted this to promote love in our community that includes everyone no matter the color of their skin, their gender expression, their sexual identity, their age or abilities, their economic status or family structure, no matter their immigration status.
Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Why Should We Be Concerned About “Christian Nationalism”?
Don’t we want everyone to know the love of God and Jesus Christ?
Jan 6, 2023 and 2024
Freedom of Religion is a constitutionally protected right provided in the religion clauses of the First Amendment. It protects adherents of all faith traditions. Christian Nationalism contends that America has been and should always be distinctively “Christian” from top to bottom — in its self-identity, interpretations of its own history, sacred symbols, cherished values, and public policies. But the “Christian” in Christian nationalism is more about identity than religion. “Nationalism” is an extreme form of patriotism that includes assumptions of superiority and has little or no room for dissent or disagreement. It carries with it strongly held ideas about white supremacy, limiting immigration, authoritarianism, supporting the status of men over women, and glorification of the military, many of which were on vivid display at the January 6th Insurrection.
According to multiple academic studies using large, nationally representative surveys, Americans who embrace Christian nationalism are more likely to:
Approve of authoritarian tactics like demanding people show respect for national symbols and traditions
Fear and distrust religious minorities, including Muslims, Atheists, and Jewish people
Condone police violence toward Black Americans and distrust accounts of racial inequality in the criminal justice system
Believe racial inequality is due to the personal shortcomings of minority groups
Report being “very uncomfortable” with both interracial marriage and transracial adoption
Hold anti-immigrant views
Fear refugees
Oppose scientists and science education in schools
Believe that men are better suited for all leadership roles while women are better suited to care for children and the home.
“We need to be aware of two things regarding those who espouse this Christian Nationalist ideology,” said the Rev. John Dorhauer, President of the UCC. “First, they want nothing less than total control of the United States and its government. They want the Bible to be the template for all laws written. They want only those who espouse a very narrow view of a very conservative theology to be in power. Second, they are far more effective at undertaking this than we assume.”
As followers of Christ’s teachings, we reject this misleading and destructive distortion of Christian values. Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church in the U.S., called such a belief system “a contradiction in terms.” Quoting from the Gospel of John, he reminded us that Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” He continued, “Any close alliance between Christian teachings that seek to follow the ways of Jesus of Nazareth and any empire of this world, any nation or race, is a false union,” Curry said. Rather, he said, “Love is the supreme law of God. It is the way of Jesus. It is the way of those who follow Jesus.”
To counter the racism and intolerance of Christian nationalism, progressive people of faith should examine their own traditions for vestiges of racism, Rev. Dorhauer said. And there are actions they can take — including voting, and pushing for laws that protect and expand voting rights.
Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States, by Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry (Oxford University Press, 2020)
We believe in putting our faith into action. Through the United Church of Christ Global Ministries we participate in an extended ministry to those of special need throughout the nation and the world.
How We Can Help the People of Ukraine
We are all deeply troubled by events unfolding in Ukraine, and our hearts are deeply touched by the desperate Ukrainians fleeing their homeland. While there are many worthy agencies doing excellent work to address this crisis, here are two suggestions that you can be confident will use your contributions in the best possible way. UNICEF has been chosen by the Missions & Ministry Committee for its global relief ministry. Only 3% of donations to this highly effective organization go to administrative costs.
United Church of Christ Ukraine Emergency Appeal
Gifts made to UCC Ukraine Relief Fund will provide shelter, food, and other care to war refugees and internally displaced people. It also will help refugees and asylum seekers from African, Middle Eastern and other countries who had sought refuge in Ukraine and now are twice displaced, as well as other citizens of more than 125 countries living in Ukraine.
UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)
UNICEF is working with partners to provide vital humanitarian supplies and to reach vulnerable children and families with essential services, including health, education, protection, water and sanitation. It’s very easy to make a donation from the UNICEF website and you can designate that you want your donation to go to help Ukraine.
If you would like to contribute to either of these options through the church, you can write your check to the church and designate either UCC Ukraine Appeal or UNICEF in the memo line. Thank you for your concern, your generosity, and your prayers for Ukraine and its people.
“Uniting in prayer, action, and giving, we stand as a people of faith in love and compassion with the people of Ukraine and all who are affected, and with our global partners who are welcoming those driven from their homes.”
In Berkshire County
In our own community we offer both financial support and personal participation in programs such as:
Multicultural Bridge and the Not in Our County campaign
Our building and grounds are also used by many community activities and service organizations including the Lee Farmers Market.