Advent Meditation for Friday, December 17, 2021

A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.  The Spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and reverence for the Lord.    (Isaiah 11: 1-2)This passage is from the great Hebrew prophet Isaiah who preached in a time of national calamity with enemies all around.   It was an anxious, confusing and scary time.   People could not see the way ahead amid so much fear of the unknown.  Into that time of uncertainty, the prophet offered words of encouragement.   God is going to send a leader who would be a descendant of King David (a shoot out of the stump of Jesse) and he would be characterized by love of God, speak wise words and lead by holy example.  Isaiah offered the people hope.Throughout the ages followers of Christ have seen in these words a description of the life and teaching of Jesus.  Today you and I are living in a time of pandemic and social unrest and like those ancient Israelites we are anxious, fearful, uncertain about the future.  Thank God for the one who is coming into our lives to give us hope.God when we are frightened remind us to pray and remember the example and wisdom of Jesus who can give us comfort and peace.   Amen.   DrJ


Advent Meditation for Saturday, December 18, 2021


Advent Meditation for Thursday, December 16, 2021