Christian Love

There is a lot of extra activity here at the church building this week! A crew is here filming a big screen movie titled, "I'm Not Him." It is a family-friendly production in which Jesus is one of the main characters. Yesterday they used our church narthex (entry area) as a scene for the shoot. Today they are filming in the Lee Town Hall and using our rooms for the crew's tasks. Not only are we receiving an unexpected donation but we can look forward to seeing our building at the movies!

What a joy it was to offer our outdoor Craft Fair last Saturday! There were about 20 Crafters plus our weekly Farmer's Market. Musicians played and a few couples even danced. The Scouts sold hot dogs and  burgers. Everyone wore a mask but it almost felt like normal. Big Thanks to Tari and our church folks who provided a table of craft items and home-baked muffins.
I've been doing some inspirational reading. I am reminded that God's Presence pervades the entire Universe in all its dimensions from the vastness of space-time to the intimacy of each human soul. In essence, God is Love. God's yearning is for us to receive and experience that love and then to share and send it out to others.
I haven't seen the actor portraying Jesus in the film being shot here in Lee. I have seen Jesus everyday in each of you and all the ways you live the life of Christian Love.
Be blessed and be a blessing, Bill

Life Finds a Way - August 27, 2020


July 1, 2020: Sharing our visions