December 14th Advent Reflection

Isaiah 64:8

Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.

I love to imagine our God as a potter and us as clay. What a vivid image. An artist works diligently to create an end product that is beautiful. A potter takes clay, which is sticky, messy, gooey, and basically bendable mud… and gently spins and pinches and turns that mud into something lovely and often useful, like a pot, a bowl, or a vase. When we are feeling pushed, pulled, and stretched, we need to remember that our loving Father, Creator, Artist, God loves us and knows what he is creating in us. He knows what the end result will become… he is making us into something beautiful.

Thank you, Lord, for making me and molding me into something precious in your sight. Help us to remember to be open and pliable to Your careful working in our lives. Amen.   



December 15th Advent Reflection


December 13th Advent Reflection