Rev. Bill Neil's Farewell Message

A Last Word:There is a lovely gospel song by Andre Crouch that begins, “How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me?” He is asking God in response to God’s unconditional love. I say it to you for our shared years of life and ministry. Thank you for your faithfulness and participation, for your spiritual and financial support, for all you have done and for all that you are.As the season of Advent is one of preparation and anticipation, so the celebration of Christmas is one of culmination and completion. It is with these images that I retire as pastor of the Lee congregation.COVID continues and several vaccines are soon to be widely available. We have learned not to take for granted a smile or gentle touch. We continue our practices of mask-wearing and distancing as signs of love for others.In our service of farewell on December 27, we will formally release one another from the pastoral relationship. We are called to honor this separation as I move into retirement and you move forward with new pastoral leadership. Faith and I have sold our home in Lee. We will be moving to Vermont where we hope to buy a home in Burlington. My roadrunner email address will be discontinued and I will disconnect from facebook with church members as a way of living into these changes in our lives.I leave with gratitude and appreciation for all that has passed during these years together. May God’s Blessings truly be yours. Have a Safe, Healthy, and Happy New Year!Rev. Bill Neil


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