Walk with Jesus through this Holy Week

Jesus has enjoyed a triumphant entrance into the city of Jerusalem just days ago.   We invite you to go with him to what would be his last supper with his friends.   Then follow him to a garden to pray where he is arrested.  His trial is a mockery of justice and he is executed by the Roman authorities while professing his gentle compassion for people and his love for God.Join us for a deeply meaningful and reflective worship service on Maundy Thursday--this Thursday evening April 1st at 7pm—either in person or live streamed on FaceBook.Good Friday we will make available a worship service that integrates the scripture focusing on what Jesus says  from the cross as he is dying and the lives of Black people who have recently died in unfair and tragic ways.   This is a powerful and evocative worship service that will be available through our church FaceBook page.  We urge you to watch and pray.Then this Sunday celebrate the Easter resurrection by participating in our live worship service or viewing on line the simultaneous broadcast.We believe your lives will be enriched through sharing in these worship events!Pastor Dr. Jay Terbush


Why don't they get it? Understanding bias to promote tolerance and justice


Enter into Lent with an Open Heart & Mind - A Lenten message from Pastor Dr. Jay Terbush